Silvio Porcellana says, “Will the future of content marketing will be in the hands of machines?

Are those involved in content marketing bound to change jobs? Don’t worry because the answer is, no.

Humans are capable of doing something no machine can do: tell stories and put different parts together to create a new one.

The important thing to do is to refresh the way you deliver it. Think about your readers and the medium on which your content will be published.

If your latest post has only had a few shares and a short life on the web, the ideas below could help.

How Is Content Marketing Evolving?

Industry experts defined content as the most important tool for digital marketing in 2015.

It is no coincidence that Google’s algorithm is giving more value to content quality and rewarding those that are most useful and relevant to the user”.

Content Marketing Multi-Format: 5 Amazing Ideas to Try Right Now

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