‘Web Forms That Convert: Five Things to A/B-Test’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog
Alexandra Recasan says, “Contact forms, request-a-quote forms, market research forms, newsletter subscription forms… yeah, so many kinds of forms out there. If only you had a silver bullet for easily crafting a form that perfectly converts.
But there isn’t one. And, anyway, it’s better to not chase after a unicorn flying over the rainbow. Chances are you won’t find it.
The discussion around designing the perfect Web form has sometimes put many of us in a confusion loop. One time, you might want to increase the number of fields in your form, since you feel like asking a couple of additional questions. But will that scare respondents off and lower your form conversion rates? Another time, you might want to change that CTA (call-to-action) text because it sounds too dull for you. But then again, will that affect your form conversions?
This is where A/B testing becomes the superhero in your Web form tale: It can help you find the right formula for Web forms that convert at high rates [e-book; signup req’d]“.
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