The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “2014 Social Media Journey: Finding Precise Answers from Big Data”.

Richard Pasework says, “Marketers and business leaders are on a long and exciting journey. The prize is finding precise answers and meaning in big data. The journey presents unique and possibly overwhelming challenges based on big data’s exponential growth. With 90 percent of the world’s data created in the last two years and over 2.5 billion GB of data created every day (and doubling), it may come across as a surprise that 40 percent of this data offers no value to marketers because of inadequate access and applications for big data.

While IT departments try to process and manage the data, marketers continue to wrestle with extracting value from the information. In reality, while pundits continue to talk about big data as the next challenge and opportunity, marketers are under pressure to extract insights and make a business impact now“.

2014 Social Media Journey: Finding Precise Answers from Big Data

Website Magazine

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