The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Email Spam Traps and How to Avoid Them”.

Pamella Neely says, “Spam traps regularly catch well-meaning email marketers who would never think of themselves as spammers.

Don’t let yourself be one of the marketers who will get stung by a spam trap this year, or in 2014. They can hurt your deliverability statistics badly. Twenty-two percent of opt-in email messages never make it to the inbox according to Return Path’s Email Intelligence Report: Placement Benchmarks 2013. The most chilling part of the 22 percent statistic? It’s rising – last year’s count of “Missing/Blocked” emails was only 18 percent.

3 Kinds of Spam Traps

The major ISPs (Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, and others) are constantly on the prowl to find ways to stop spam. Other entities, like and, simply want to protect all email users from spam”.

Email Spam Traps and How to Avoid Them

Web Marketing Today

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