There are keywords that can bring in good sales that other marketers are ignoring, Taylor Rizer says that focusing on these existing, searched for, but ignored keywords is the method for finding a lot of good, targeted traffic. He has proven it in his own marketing.

Now he has created a new training guide (with bonuses), called Untapped Keyword Research, to show you how you can find these kewords waiting to be tapped by a smart marketer.

In this guide he shows you how to start with the highly competitive (“tapped”) keywords and go from there to the untapped ones.

You want to analyse the competition, find out what they are doing, and then do something better. Taylor says that taking this approach has let him break into some very competitive niches and do very well by using these ignored keywords.

In Untapped Keyword Research, he proves the value of his methods by showing you 2 case studies and 6 live keywords plus his URLs that were optimized for them. You will be able to go to Google and search for these keywords to see the his results for yourself.

This e-book will show you how to discover the lucrative keywords that most other marketers overlook. Find out more here: Untapped Keyword Research

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