Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Everything You Need to Rock ’n’ Roll with Google Authorship & the Philosophy Behind It”.

Schoemaker says, “The true cost of remaining anonymous, then, might be irrelevance. – Eric Schmidt.

The Era of Authorship

This is the era of Google Authorship. Two things have a direct influence on this:

  • Publishing rich, high-quality content is the mainstay of any SEO directive.
  • Brand and authority are becoming much more relevant to Google’s search algorithms.

In order to make things simpler for its ranking algorithms and for high-quality content publishers, Google introduced the authorship platform. This function enables you, as a content producer (or simply, blogger), to claim authorship of your content, which is recognized and acknowledged by Google”.

Everything You Need to Rock ’n’ Roll with Google Authorship & the Philosophy Behind It

ShoeMoney Blog

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