Adrian Newman’s latest é-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “How Being Bitter May Be Holding You Back”. [‘e-Wealth Daily’Article]

Adrian Newman’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:

How Being Bitter May Be Holding You Back

My wife and I are looking to replace the windows in our house. We’ve done some research, but are still in the beginning stages of picking a company to do the job.

Yesterday, I asked my neighbor, who is a contractor, if he had any recommendations. He recommended a local company that not only has a reasonable price, but also gives great service. I mentioned this to my wife and she quickly said, “No way!” The reason for her immediate dismissal? A couple of months ago, she parked in a spot reserved for this window company’s customers when she went to the gym. When she came out from
her workout, there was a parking ticket. And because of that $30.00 ticket, she’ll never use that window company.

And if you think this is a silly reason not to go with that window company, or at the very least get them to quote on the job, you’re absolutely right.

And yet, businesses “blackball” companies all the time because of past minor transgressions or unrelated business conflicts. Another example: I knew of a company that refused to do business with a shipping company, because they were late with one of their shipments.

Yes, the business owner had every right to say he didn’t want to use the company ever again. And, yes, the shipping company tried to make amends to rectify the situation. But because the job was so important and the experience left such a bad taste in the mouth of the business owner, he vowed never to use them again.

The shipping company, in the four years since the incident, has been trying to win back the customer with incentives like a free shipment and included brokerage rates. Nevertheless, the owner is sticking to his guns.

I think this is just as silly as my wife and the window company, if not sillier. The business is basically losing out on savings and incentives because of one bad experience. In fact, by not giving the shipping company another chance, the business is losing money because of the incentive they’re offering.

Now, sometimes there’s a legitimate argument for blackballing a company. Repeated mistakes, dishonesty and a consistent poor experience are fine reasons. But if it’s just one issue, try to give the company another chance. It might be the start of a successful relationship.

e-Wealth Daily

About e-Wealth Daily

The e-Wealth Daily Bulletin brings you daily tips, advice and breaking news related to home businesses, small businesses and internet marketing. Our team of experts gives you the information you need to take your business pursuits to the most profitable level. Founded by Adrian Newman in 2003, the e-Wealth Daily Bulletin and are a division of Lombardi Publishing with online newsletters reaching over 100,000 subscribers each month.

* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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