James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “The Blurry Meaning of ‘Holiday’ to Info Marketers”. [‘Info Marketing’ Article]

James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:

The Blurry Meaning of ‘Holiday’ to Info Marketers

Are you looking forward to the holidays? I hope your answer to this is, “Yes, absolutely.” But let’s face it: the holidays are sometimes anything but, well, a holiday. They are a time of
hectic activity, stress, and sometimes outright chaos. Everyone wants to enjoy themselves freely, but that can be a difficult goal in the end.

Many people see their own holidays come at other times in the year. Be it a long weekend, a winter vacation, or a summer trip someplace tranquil, those are the holidays when you can truly
relax and recharge your body’s batteries.

But then comes another issue: you’re an info marketer, right? Do you really ever get a holiday? Most entrepreneurs of all factions don’t really ever have a holiday. They have to make
sure their business is going strong whether they are present or not. There is no one to hand it off to and no way to put it on hold if you want to get away.

It’s a scary thought that info marketers can never have a holiday. Good thing it’s just a thought. In truth, info marketers can, with a little forethought, have the best vacation any entrepreneur can hope for. One where they can enjoy free time and ensure that their business is secure.

Balancing personal business and a worthwhile vacation takes a bit of work beforehand. One priority that must be addressed is to plan your vacation well ahead of time. Where you are going,
how long you will be gone, and what you will be doing will help you get your business affairs in order beforehand.

Next, it’s good to do up a list of business-related jobs that must be completed before you leave. Newsletters will have to be done beforehand and certain transactions should be done in
advance as well. You might have to contact your Internet provider to ensure your info updates online will get done. Whatever the case, be sure to address everything before you leave. As a helpful note, when you get to this step and come to a point where you realize that you might need something done while you are gone, consider soliciting another party to help you. It might be a family member, colleague, or friend who can make sure the necessary jobs are done while you are gone. It’s
a good idea to offer a little compensation to these people as well for their help.

There’s one other matter to address here: the desire to “check up” on your business while you are away. It’s perfectly human to wonder how things are going while you are gone and even a bit naïve to not bother to see how things are going while you are gone. Don’t feel like you shouldn’t do this. Before you leave, however, make sure wherever you go you can get a decent Internet connection. You need only visit a local Internet cafe or hotel computer lab to get online to check that your
web site is getting its proper material posted and you are up-to-date on your messages, client issues, etc. One thing I have seen several businessmen do these days that I can recommend is to
get a “BlackBerry” or “iPhone.” This allows them to do connect to the Internet anywhere in the world, right in the palm of their hands. You can check things quickly and then go to the beach. It’s that simple.

After that, enjoy your vacation. Relax, take in some sights, and spend some time with your family. As an info marketer, you’ll likely find your holiday to be a good vehicle for generating new ideas. That said, don’t be afraid to jot them down or visit inspiring places while you’re gone. You never know what great things will pop into your brain that you can use later.

A relevant story: a few months back, I took off on an impromptu trip to Brazil. While in a São Paulo snack-bar, I got talking to a fellow traveler. He was sipping his coffee and typing away on a laptop, which I later saw was a graphic design project he was working on for a client back home.
When I asked him what he was doing, he said: “Well, I am traveling and working at the same time.” This is similar, I think, to what info marketers are like. You can be on vacation and maintain your business at the same time. With a little preparation, the worlds of work and rest can be blurred in a
great way for you.

e-Wealth Daily

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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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