James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “Draw Success From Your Existing Skills”. [‘Info Marketing’ Article]

James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:

Draw Success From Your Existing Skills

For info marketers, the inspiration and desire to do good work is always inside them. You strive for success at every turn and aim to gain your personal best.

So where’s the trouble, then? Well, it’s usually getting the work in the first place.

Whether you’re selling real estate or creating excellent information products to sell to clients, your drive for success is as ever-present and honest as it gets in the professional world. You want to make your own mark with your own establishment. But the hard part comes from trying to sell that desire to the public.

The truth is that it’s just plain hard to get going. It’s also tough when you are in a slump for work. Being an info marketer is a pretty specific job. You really have to work at everything: creating your products, getting them out to people, getting compensation.

But there are other ways to get going or get some related work if you do find yourself in a rut for work. The great thing about info marketing is that it also encompasses other areas of the professional world and you can use/hone those skills to get gigs that can keep you afloat financially.

Here’s a short list:

— Content writer: As an info marketer, you’re essentially a writer. When times get a little tough, think about freelancing those writing skills. Your material for info products can also be great for web sites, ad copy, and tech information. Check out online writers’ job boards for freelance gigs and get your portfolio of work out to those who might be interested in what words you have to offer.

— Product info and research: As an info marketer, you’re also a researcher. All of those hours online or at the library gathering information are useful to marketing companies or people who need certain specs on product info. Researchers are needed to do the trench work and bring back the facts about certain items on the market place. If you’ve already got it, see who wants it.

— Teaching or consulting: I was once shocked to hear how a famous actor like Harvey Keitel or a well-known writer like Anthony Burgess had to get jobs teaching or consulting to help supplement their income. But sometimes they had to, both before and after establishing themselves in the public eye. In truth, people with experience are needed by those who are young and green to the world. They are also willing to pay those more experienced for good instruction on how to establish themselves. If you have any track record of professional success or any good advice on what to and not to do as an independent entrepreneur, you offer those services to others. Again, you will be in demand.

The lesson from all of this is simple: you can apply your existing skills to other areas of the professional world. In tough times, it’s never a sign of weakness to seek out extra work outlets. Rather, you can learn new things, develop new skills, meet new people, and still get paid. Look at what you do have when times get tough and seek to apply those gifts.

e-Wealth Daily

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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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