Ian Fernando’s latest blog post is titled “Blog StartUp: Traffic by Keywords”. [Blog Post Reprint]

Ian Fernando’s latest blog post is reprinted here.

Blog StartUp: Traffic by Keywords

I know a lot of you are probably thinking when is Ian going to talk about traffic. Traffic is the key to success. I want to know about traffic and how to grab them. What are Ian’s techniques to gathering traffic and ranks! Tell me!

Ok, after several emails I will start to talk about traffic generation since I am in the midst of creating the traffic for my new blog. First in this series we will talk about keywords. Keywords are very important to traffic this will attract search engines and will gather you ranks within Google, Yahoo, and all the other search engines. But first you should submit your new website/blog to the search engines. Once that is done, we can talk about key word optimization.

Keywords are the key, to search engine optimization. You must develop an understanding of what your prospects are looking for in your area of business. Keyword research is the method for doing this and a step that should be undertaken with great precision and effort.

One of the undeniable facts in keyword marketing and yet widely neglected would be relevancy. If you could pull all the targeted visitors in the world but you are not able to deliver whatever they are looking for you will never be able to convert them into sales. It’s like going into a Chinese restaurant and all they sell pizza.

A website/blog is merely a group of web pages and each web page in your web site should have it’s own set of unique keywords. Be sure to include, if at all possible, your most relevant keyword phrase in the title of each page and in the anchor text of links to that page. This will work wonders in getting your page listed and also ranking.

This is what I did, taking the titles of my content, and using specific keywords to target the search engines and readers. I try to add the keywords into my title and the first paragraphs of my introduction post. This is important (to me) because search engines will provide the first couple characters to the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). If your keywords are at the bottm it will still be scanned but not ranked into the SERP as much as a keyword phrase that is within the first paragraph.

How do I find the right Keywords?

Blog StartUp: Traffic by Keywords

Ian Fernando’s Blog

*This blog post was submitted by Ian Fernando.

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