A study by AOL and NCSA has revealed that phishing attacks affect almost 23% of Americans every month.

A study by AOL and National Cyber Security Alliance has revealed that phishing attacks affect one in four Americans, almost 23%, every month.

The study also revealed that 70% of users who received scam emails believed them to be from genuine companies. 18% of the people who participated in the study said that people they knew had already been affected by such scam emails.

Other key findings included:

42% of the participants knew the term “phishing”, but only 57% of those participants were able to describe accurately what it meant.
81% of home PCs lacked one of three critical PC protections ““ updated anti-virus software, anti-spyware software and a firewall.
56% of the participants did not have an anti-virus software or had not updated it.
44% did not have a proper firewall installed.
38% did not have a anti-spyware software installed.
83% believed that they were safe from online threats.
55% said they have been infected by a virus in the past.
70% said that they have a pop-up blocker installed.

Ron Teixeira, Executive Director, NCSA, said, “When a single virus, a simple scam or hidden spyware program can shut down your computer or cause a person to lose their bank account, their family pictures, or all of their personal records, it is vital that consumers take every possible step to protect themselves.” [Source]

For additional information and tips on how to stay safe online, click here.





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