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Friday, June 14, 2024

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Implications of Google Entry into Print Media

Google’s entry into print media has made analysts think of what next: radio, television, out-of-home, podcasting, handheld devices and more. [Read more]  [Read more]

A New Way to Count Web Visitors

A new way of counting the number of visitors at Web sites is to be announced which will take into account the proportion of users who delete cookies. [Read more]  [Read more]

Gmail Notifier for Mac: Additional Features

Gmail Notifier for Apple Macintosh, launched last week, has additional features now as ‘Fetch’ (set up Gmail to get only improtant mails) and plug-in. [Read more]  [Read more]

eBay Sponsored Links Ahead of Yahoo

Nielsen/NetRatings Report indicates that ebay has placed three percent of ad impressions delivered via sponsored links while Yahoo has less than one percent. [Read more]  [Read more]

Mobile Internet Users Prefer Utility Services

The Mobile Internet Report published by Telephia identifies e-mail, weather and maps among the most accessed site categories by mobile users. [Read more]  [Read more]

Katrina And ID Theft

Hurricane Katrina’s victims might soon face a new problem bringing further damage and loss: identity theft. [Read more]  [Read more]

Google Shares To Exceed $4 Billion

Google said it expects $4.11 billion in net proceeds from its Class A shares. [Read more]  [Read more]

Google Gets Patent

The US Patent and Trademark Office awarded Google exclusive rights to a technology that makes it easy for users of the search engine to get what they are looking for even if they are not able to use the specific key words. [Read more]  [Read more]

Google Adsense: Multimedia Guide

Google has a new multimedia guide in the form of a video tutorial for web publishers who would like to earn money through Google Ads. [Read more]  [Read more]

Online Advertising: Search Sponsored Links

Search sponsored links account for about one third of the thirteen billion online advertising impressions. [Read more]  [Read more]

Online Newspapers Ad Spending $1.4 Billion

U.S. consumers’ preference for online newspaers is increasing and the online ad spening target to reach $1.4 billion in 2005. [Read more]  [Read more]

Google Everflux and Google Update

Google crawls and updates its index every day and the term “everflux” is used to describe the constant state of low-level changes which are not announced as Google Update. [Read more]  [Read more]