Your website is the first thing perhaps your online prospects get to see. So it is important to deliver a great first impression as it will lead to further customer journey.

In the process of website design and development there are plenty of things that we learn from others so that we could avoid mistakes.

Entrepreneur contributor Gene Marks has shared three costliest mistakes that he made while launching his new site.

Marks says, “Well, it’s been a slog. Growth has been slower than I expected. I realize now that users need more time to understand this relatively new way of getting services for a business application. I’ve made other mistakes. Stupid mistakes. Here are my biggest (so far).

Mistake 1: I went for quantity over quality with Google AdWords.

Think about it — if you need help, service, consulting or training with a business application you’re probably going to Google it, right? So I jumped into AdWords, and wound up throwing a bunch of money right down the toilet.

Why? Because I didn’t understand a basic concept about Google AdWords: for B2B marketing it’s all about quality over quantity. Sure, get millions of visitors every day on their site — it’s how they sell ads. But for a company selling to other businesses there are leads and then there are leads. Using generic and popular keywords meant I was paying for tons of visitors on my sight who weren’t the right kind of leads for me. They immediately left — my bounce rate was 95 percent. Because of this stupid mistake I squandered my monthly ad budget in a couple of days”.

The 3 Costliest Mistakes I’ve Made Launching A New Website (So Far)


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