Any form of marketing requires you to remain constantly updated. You need to have your focus on the things that might affect your marketing procedure.

Marketing Land contributor Amy Bishop has shared six tactics to help PPC marketers save time, reduce stress and improve their marketing performance.

On improving time efficiency, Bishop says, “I’ve never met a PPC pro that wasn’t seeking out ways to increase time efficiency. There’s always plenty of work to do and the goal is to accomplish as much of it as possible while still leaving some time on the table for those inevitable things that sneak up on us.

Let’s be real; it’s not uncommon that unexpected tasks and projects pop up – either from a client’s last-minute decision to run a promo and their need for ads, due to performance shifts, or the need to quickly launch something new. The hope is always that we’ll be in the loop well in advance, but the reality is that we aren’t always. Becoming more efficient means that these situations are less stressful as they arise because it becomes easier to accommodate them without interfering with routine optimizations”.

6 tactics for PPC marketers to save time, reduce stress and improve performance

Marketing Land

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