Conversion rate optimization is an element that helps your strengthen your sales online. With various tactics you can try to improve your conversion rates but there are some that give good results.

HubSpot contributor Robert Mening has shared three science-backed ways to help marketers improve conversions.

Mening says, “With a clear understanding of the perceptual set theory, you can more intently position your marketing messages and offers in a way that people see exactly what you want them to see regardless of their background, positioning you for maximum ROI from your marketing efforts.

Here are some ideas:

1. Don’t stray from user expectations on your website.

When users visit your website, they have certain expectations when it comes to certain elements of the site. This includes your CTA, organization of form fields, and other elements of your website.

For example, most users expect CTAs to stand out and be easy to locate due to their general web experience. Also, most users expect the name field to come first before the email field and the password field in a signup form. These are norms across industries, and if you try to switch things up and use a different approach (such as by asking for the password first before asking for the name and email), you will be interrupting the flow and violating the perceptual set principle — and your conversions would suffer”.

3 Science-Backed Ways Perceptual Set Theory Can Increase Your Conversions

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