YouTube is a great platform to publish your videos and improve your branding efforts. By correctly understanding this platform’s algorithms you can effectively plan and execute your video marketing  strategy.

HubSpot’s Clifford Chi has shared an update to the company’s ‘Guide to YouTube’s Updates & Changes’.

Chi says, “YouTube’s algorithm serves the most relevant, personalized videos to their users on five different sections of their platform: search, home, suggested videos, trending, and subscriptions. By helping users find the videos they’re most likely to watch and enjoy, YouTube can keep viewers on the platform for as long as possible and get them to visit their site regularly.

To figure out which videos and channels that users are most likely to enjoy watching, YouTube “follows” their audience, which means they track their users’ engagement with each video they watch. More specifically, they pay attention to which videos each user watches, what they don’t watch, how much time they spend watching each video, their likes and dislikes, and their “not interested in” feedback.

Since their algorithm rewards engagement instead of vanity metrics like views and clicks, YouTube incentivizes creators to produce videos that they’re audience actually enjoys watching, discouraging them from trying to game the system”.

YouTube Algorithm: The Constantly Updated Guide to YouTube’s Updates & Changes

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