The Buffer team has published a new podcast titled ‘A Marketer’s Guide to Decoding Social Media Algorithms in 2019’ featuring Brian Peters and Hailley Griffis.

Peters and Griffis have shared some of the most important tips on how marketers can cope with the social media algorithms to keep pace with the 2019 marketing trends.

Talking about the podcast, Peters says, “for marketers and business owners to make an impact online. And although algorithms are often difficult to understand, we need to learn to work with them and not against them if we want to find success.

Luckily for us, big social networking sites often share updates on exactly what their algorithm prioritizes.

For example, Facebook recently shared that meaningful conversations are one of the most influential factors on the platform. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is looking to status updatesfrom professional users that share more openly.

We’re fortunate to have an inside look at the various algorithms that power the world’s biggest networks. Today we’re covering everything you need to know about decoding social media algorithms in 2019 and what brands can do to thrive”.

A Marketer’s Guide to Decoding Social Media Algorithms in 2019

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