Voice search has becoming more and more popular among the Internet users with rising adoption of the mobile devices. It is allowing people to explore things quickly over the Internet.

To get your sites listed in the voice search results webmasters have to use a Schema.org, a type of structured data markup that allows the search engines to understand your content.

Econsultancy columnist Rebecca Sentance has published a comprehensive introduction to the Schema.org markup.

Sentance says, “Schema.org markup also gives your website a much higher chance of appearing as a rich result, such as a featured snippet or quick answer, many of which are used as the sources for answers in voice search. And as more ways of indexing the internet’s vast array of content and making it available on voice devices are developed, structured data and schema.org markup are very often at the heart of them.

Therefore, while using Schema.org to mark up your content doesn’t guarantee a presence on voice devices, it can significantly improve the odds of your website and your content being featured.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to the types of schema that are most relevant for voice, with some advice on how to implement them. For a more thorough introduction to using schema.org markup, check out the Getting started with schema.org using Microdata tutorial by Schema.org”.

An introduction to schema.org markup for voice


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