Forbes contributor Paul Talbot has published his interview with Paul Magill, managing director, CMO services leader, with Deloitte Consulting LLP. In this interview Magill explains how Deloitte helps its clients build better marketing budgets.

Taboot says, “Paul Magill is managing director, CMO services leader, with Deloitte Consulting LLP.

I recently asked him to share his insights on some of the best practices the firm draws on to help clients build and navigate more strategic marketing budgets.

Paul Talbot: What does Deloitte do to help its clients more effectively drive the process of creating and managing a marketing budget?

Paul Magill: Maintaining a holistic view is a challenge we see our clients face around budget creation and management.

We help them think more broadly by asking key questions, such as how does the marketing budget align with budgets in other functional areas?

What business objectives is marketing expected to achieve?

Is the budget appropriately sized and aligned with those objectives?

Has the organization created visibility into marketing spend and do you use consistent language and governance around marketing investment decisions?”.

How Deloitte Helps Clients Build Better Marketing Budgets

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