Improving conversion rate is the highest priority in every marketer’s life. You need to stay consistent and creative for achieving this tough target.

Content Marketing Institute columnist Mike Kamo has shared a list of eleven things that you should do every month to improve conversion rates.

Kamo says, “How do you improve your conversion rates month after month?

Do these 11 tasks regularly to keep upping the ante because even if your conversion rate outperforms every competitor you still want better numbers.

1. Update A/B test variations

An A/B test is like a cage match without all the violence. At the end, you’ll have a clear winner.

Test only one element at a time. It could be a landing page, a headline, a call to action, an image, social proof, or something else.

Your lead generation tools can automate the testing and identify when it reaches statistical significance – indicating you have enough data on which to make a sound decision about what content element converts better.

2. Track conversions that lead to sales

Understanding customers’ buying cycles can also help you improve conversion rates. Review your sales analytics to identify which content is more likely to lead to a sale”.

11 Things to Do Every Month to Boost Your Conversion Rates

Content Marketing Institute
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