Artificial Intelligence (AI) has found its place in all the segments of marketing and promotion. In email marketing too AI can be helpful in a great manner.

Entrepreneur contributor Ryan Myers has shared three ways to help marketers enhance their email marketing performance.

Myers says, “Just as with any other process, form a hypothesis and test it; isolate variables and qualify the responses received. Which audience members responded favorably? Which buyer persona do they most resemble? Are there any patterns within those buyer personas? These insights build and begin to inform future experiments, leading to better-informed strategies around which data to use as well as how and when to use it.

It might sound complicated, but there are a few ways to ensure that the process achieves the right balance. Here are three steps you can take to use AI for your emails in a way that benefits your company and your customers alike.

1. Organize and connect your data.

Data silos can kill an AI strategy before it gets off the ground. The entire point of leveraging machine learning is to uncover connections between seemingly disparate dots. If you silo those dots away from one another, your AI can’t use them to form links. And without them, the chance to collect real insights diminishes”.

How to Make AI-Driven Emails Compelling Without Being Creepy


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