Every form of marketing needs constant upgradation and B2B content marketing is not an exception. With continuous research and innovations you can make your content stand out.

Econsultancy columnist Nikki Gilliland has shared six examples of B2B video content that can help you to plan out your strategies.

Gilliland says, “According to a recent study by LinkedIn, the majority of B2B marketers now view video as the most important and creative content format around. 62% of survey respondents said that video helps them to build brand awareness, while 26% said they are planning to spend more than £300k on video advertising this year.

So, which brands have set the bar for B2B video already? Here’s a run-down of some of the best in recent years, the reasons why they work, and what marketers can learn.

Hootsuite – ‘Mean tweets’

Hootsuite, the social media management platform, took inspiration from pop-culture in 2014 with its ‘Mean Tweets video’ – the popular feature made famous by Jimmy Kimmel.

Why would a brand choose to read out bad comments about its own product?

Rather conveniently, the video coincided with a new design update, meaning that the brand would be able to recognise and acknowledge negative views and counteract them at the same time”.

Six brilliant examples of B2B video content (& why they’re so good)


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