In the world of online marketing, customer reviews are given importance. Reviews are not always genuine. Many a times negative reviews are posted to hurt the competitors. In such situations, marketers get into trouble.

MOZ writer Miriam Ellis has published a guide on fighting the review spam.

On spotting review spam, Ellis says, “Here are some basic tips:

Strange patterns:

A reviewer’s profile indicates that they’ve been in too many geographic locations at once. Or, they have a habit of giving 1-star reviews to one business and 5-star reviews to its direct competitor. While neither is proof positive of spam, think of these as possible red flags.

Strange language:

Numerous 5-star reviews that fawn on the business owner by name (e.g. “Bill is the greatest man ever to walk the earth”) may be fishy. If adulation seems to be going overboard, pay attention.

Strange timing:

Over the course of a few weeks, a business skyrockets from zero reviews to 30, 50, or 100 of them”.

Fighting Review Spam: The Complete Guide for the Local Enterprise

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