Scott Sampson says, “As a marketer, it pays to have access to consumer data. The more you know about your target audience, the more personalized your marketing efforts can be. While physical billboard ads are strategically designed and placed to reach a local audience, it’s more challenging to pinpoint where and when a digital audience will consume your brand’s ads.

The solution? Hyper localized digital marketing. Location-based data allows brands to create strong connections with individual consumers rather than blindly targeting large segments of the population. By analyzing extremely specific consumer insights, marketers can get a better feel for when members of their target audience are most likely to be receptive to ads — and what type of ads will appeal to them.

These three brands are making the most of personalized consumer data:

1. Spotify

Companies like Spotify that specialize in streaming, on-the-go services offer a distinct advantage for marketers, because they can make an educated guess about consumers’ lifestyles based on their consumption preferences”.

How 3 Businesses Use Big Data to Connect with Consumers

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