WordPress is a popular platform for blogs and other websites. That’s because it’s so easy to use. People have flocked to this quick way to build and maintain a site, but this popularity has it’s dark side, too.

So many people, all using the same online software, form a big target for hackers. When they find a vulnerability in WordPress, they have a million websites where they can exploit that vulnerability.

So WordPress site owners need to be especially vigilant to avoid having their site taken over by hackers.

Even sites owned by governments, sites that we might rightly consider the most protected in the world, have been hacked. What chance do you have to avoid the danger?

WordPress, in its native state, is especially vulnerable. Security experts say 73% of WordPress sites can at risk of hacking. But yours doesn’t have to be one of them.

Matt Garrett has known the pain of having his own site hacked. He resolved to do something about the special risks that come from using WordPress. His solution is a remarkable piece of software Blog Defender. It seeks out vulnerabilities in your site and closes them, so hackers can’t get in.

Here are some of the things it can do for your blog or other WordPress site:
• Adds protection against so-called brute force attacks
• Adds protection against cross-site scripting
• Tightens up your MySQL database security
• Blocks known hacking sites from getting to your blog
• Checks your theme and plugins for vulnerabilities. You may have problems that will only be solved by replacing a “leaky” theme or plugin with a different one.

And that’s just the beginning. In all, it institutes 14 measures to help you keep your site safe.

One of the most important things it does is hide the fact that your site is a WordPress site. If the hacker doesn’t know you have a WordPress site, he won’t know how to attack it and may move on to a softer target.

You can see how valuable this would be for you. A single hacking can cost hundreds of dollars to correct.

Prevention is the key. That’s the whole purpose of Blog Defender; don’t let the hackers get in. That’s a lot easier and cheaper than trying to throw them out once they are there.

Since it was first introduced in 2012, thousands of websites have been protected by this powerful shield against hackers. And Garrett has continued to improve it to make it even better.

Now, he is offering you a special one-time price for protecting all your sites. Can you afford to take the risk of being hacked? Get your own site protection here: Blog Defender.

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