Chow says, “Unless you’ve been completely avoiding social media for the last few years, you probably know at least a little something about hashtags. By adding a descriptive hashtag to your status update, tweet or upload, you make it easier for people to follow the conversation on a particular topic. And in the case of Internet marketing and growing your online presence, hashtags can also help you expand your audience and get noticed by people who are interested in what you have to say.

And while hashtags take on the same fundamental form across most social networks — just put the # symbol in front of a term with no spaces if they’re multiple words — they don’t act in exactly the same way when it comes to increasing likes, shares and reach. Neil Patel of Quick Sprout put together his ultimate guide to hashtags a while back and I’m summarizing some of the key points here“.

Not All Hashtags Are Made Alike: Twitter vs. Instagram vs. Facebook

John Chow’s Blog

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