Tamara Barber says, “When consumers shop and research products online, they use search as their primary tool for discovery. This shouldn’t come as a surprise: Search has consistently been one of the top drivers of web site traffic over the past decade. Times are changing, however, largely because of increasingly mobile and ultra-connected shoppers. According to research conducted by Expe­rian Marketing Services on behalf of Internet Retailer, about 40 percent of all visits to the Internet Retailer Top 1000 web sites are currently driven by search, which is declining. Our analysis found that as visits to retailer web sites from mobile devices increased, the share of search-driven visits to those sites dropped 4 percent in a single year.

Does this mean search is becoming a less important channel? No, but today’s increasingly mobile audience requires a different search experience. With less real estate on mobile screens, marketers have fewer oppor­tunities to capture eyeballs in “above the fold” links”.

Rethinking search in the mobile age

‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

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