Kristen Dunleavy says, “Emails with special characters aren’t just a blast to ✎ write, they could potentially help your emails get more opens and clicks – if you’re using them correctly. We wanted to give you a few ☞ pointers on how to use them to your best advantage.

Not All Special Characters Are Created Equally ☹

Unicode characters are special characters and symbols that allow you to write in different languages. They also let you create symbols beyond your standard exclamation points and asterisks – think hearts, stars, diamonds – everything you can find in a box of Lucky Charms and more. ♡ ★ ♢ ®

Emoticons (or emojis), those colorful little icons depicting everything from kissy faces to sushi, are the next level of special characters.

Where Words Fail, Emojis Speak: How to Use Special Characters in Your Email Marketing

Aweber Blog

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