Ryan Shaw has been using Facebook in his marketing for years, and he has found that its members spend a lot of time there and buy a lot of products. So he concentrates a lot of his marketing energy on Facebook.

Facebook has improved its ad platform and it’s better than ever for marketers. With Facebook, you avoid a lot of difficulties presented by other marketing processes. For example, you don’t need to do any grandiose product launches that require a lot of setup time and a lot of long hours. You don’t have to work with affiliates who aren’t always reliable. Just wisely place your ads, and you’re done.

Shaw reports that with a simple promoted post, he earned over $58,000 in 105 days. And it was all accomplished by Facebook, on autopilot.

His 4 step process for his advertising is:
1. Carefully idenitfy your target customer
2. Use the Power Editor to pin-point your ads to desktop visitors and to split-test your ads
3. Build your funnel to be friendly to Facebook users and encourage them to share with their friends
4. Make sure your offer is right for Facebook

Once you have this process started and you build a list of buyers, you then turn to finding other ways to provide value to them so that they become repeat customers.

That is the process he has been using sucessfully for years, and that is what he shares in Facebook Social Lead System

In this comprehensive training package, he includes:
• His Proven FB Lead System Training
• His Collection of Facebook Tricks & Hidden Features
• Bonus Lead Generation & Business Training
• His Facebook Group Coaching Program to keep you updated

You can use this for your own online business, or if you are a consultant, use it for clients, either onliine or offline.

Find out more here: Facebook Social Lead System

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