Most of us think of advertising or SEO as the primary traffic sources. But publicity brings in better quality traffic at lower cost than the alternate methods.

Good publicity is like a free or nearly free sales generator. Who needs sales people when you have good publicity? Praveen Ben has created Publicity Traffic Copy Formula to show you how to create the kind of publicity that brings in the traffic you need.

The best publicity has a viral effect, so you can get traffic from people who didn’t even ready the original notice.

In Publicity Traffic Copy Formula, you will find out how to create compelling publicity that gets commented on, liked and passed around. And how to place that publicity in press releases, videos and social media sites.

In this new training, you get formulas you can apply to your publicity copywriting, as well as case studies that show how to apply the principles you uncover.

You also get:
• 150 article titles that you can adapt and use
• 50 video titles that can get your creativity flowing
• A list of memes that have captured the attention of millions.

Although the price is rising, it is still under $7 here: Publicity Traffic Copy Formula

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