Jason Parker has created many new training products over the past year. He has gained a reputatipon as a low-key, professional marketer, who specializes in list-building training. As the year progressed, he noticed some of his marketing tools and techniques were working better than the others. He has decided on his own list-building plan for 2013, based on the trends in 2012.

Now he is sharing those plans with us in Ultimate 2013 Gameplan.


He has found 3 list-building tactics that are so powerful that he is giving up all the others. And he’s giving these new ones to you.

With these techniques, you can build a list that feels a close relationship to you, and are inclined toward favoring you when they are looking to buy.

You need a responsive list of customers; all marketers do. Build your list the right way, and these customers will be with you long-term.

You can read the full explanation of Parker’s new training and get your own copy for about $7 (but rising) here: Ultimate 2013 Gameplan

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