Doug D’Anna’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “The Other People (OP) Rule”. [‘e-Wealth Daily’ Article]

Doug D’Anna’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:

The Other People (OP) Rule

For nearly two decades, I have been involved in the testing of hundreds of national advertisements, the goals of which were to understand what moves people — and to employ the correct tactics that would move them.

As a result of these marketing tests — or scientific experiments, if you will — I have learned which thoughts, words and emotions work like magic to attract attention, gain interest, build desire, and move people to take action in my favor. As a result, I can tell you with absolute certainty which ideas move people to take action.

In fact, I have seen one advertisement sell 50% more products than another and the only difference was the headline! Five seconds of a reader’s attention made all the difference in the world. This statement dramatizes the huge selling power your choice of words has in getting others to do what you want. This is the foundation you will use to increase your income and improve your life overall.

The most important words are ones that appeal to people’s self- interest, because that is at the core of moving people. Have you ever heard the acronym WIIFM? It stands for “What’s In It For Me?” When you structure your communication around the WIIFM principle — whether that communication is verbal, graphic, or written — you will increase your chances of success tenfold.

If you want other people to do what you want, then you must know what they want and appeal to their self-interest. For example, if you want to buy a car at a discount, instead of first thinking how much money you can save, think about what the sale will mean to the salesman, then structure your communications toward helping him accomplish that goal.

In direct marketing, this type of “benefits to the buyer” is approach burned into our thinking. The average person thinks solely of the benefits to themselves. This is why ads that just talk about how great a company is will usually fail. But if they speak to our basic needs to save money, improve our health, or show us how to retire five years earlier, they will strike a chord with the reader and make a product or service millions of dollars in revenue.

Begin thinking in respect to benefits to others, and I’ll guarantee you’ll get what you want. But if you think about benefits to you, you’ll never move anyone to your way of thinking. With a few key concepts in your mind and a few key, scientifically proven phrases in your vocabulary, you will be able to show anyone the benefits you bring to them — and you’ll be handsomely rewarded when you achieve everything you’ve ever dreamed of.

e-Wealth Daily

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The e-Wealth Daily Bulletin brings you daily tips, advice and breaking news related to home businesses, small businesses and internet marketing. Our team of experts gives you the information you need to take your business pursuits to the most profitable level. Founded by Adrian Newman in 2003, the e-Wealth Daily Bulletin and are a division of Lombardi Publishing with online newsletters reaching over 100,000 subscribers each month.

* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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