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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Archive for the 'Google News' Category

Influencer Marketing Strategy: Do THIS To Grow Your Business in 2024 [Video]

Influencer marketing leverages the trust and reach of influential personalities to promote products or services, effectively tapping into engaged audiences. By aligning with authentic voices, brands can enhance visibility and credibility, fostering genuine connections that drive consumer engagement and loyalty. HubSpot has published a new video ‘Influencer Marketing Strategy: Do THIS To Grow Your Business in 2024’. The HubSpot team says, “If you don’t yet have an influencer marketing strategy for your business, you’re missing out on one of the fastest-growing... [...]

Unveiling the Hidden Secrets of Google’s Local Pack [Podcast]

Google’s Local Pack is a prominent feature that showcases local business listings in search results. It provides users with essential information like addresses, contact details, and reviews, making it easier to find nearby services. Optimizing for the Local Pack can significantly boost a business’s visibility and attract potential customers. The latest The SERP’s Up SEO podcast episode is titled ‘Things you never knew about the Local Pack’. The SERP’s Up team says, “Google’s Local Pack is filled with secrets… Wix’s Mordy Oberstein and Crystal Carter... [...]

E-E-A-T Quick Wins [Video]

E-E-A-T is an acronym created by Google which stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It is not a ranking factor but rather a component of Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines (SQEG). MOZ has published the latest episode of the Whiteboard Friday video ‘E-E-A-T Quick Wins’ featuring Itamar Blauer. The MOZ team says, “Itamar shares E-E-A-T quick wins that you can utilize to help your website appear more credible in the eyes of users and Google.” MOZ  [...]

Blogging Wizard Lists 16 Types of Influencers

Influencer marketing is a form of marketing where brands collaborate with individuals who have a significant following and influence on social media platforms. These individuals, known as influencers, create content to promote products or services to their followers. Blogging Wizard contributor Lyn Wildwood has published an article featuring 16 types of influencers. She says, “There are four categories for identifying influencers by the number of followers they have: Nano Influencers – 1,000 to 10,000 followers Micro Influencers – 10,000 to 100,000 followers Macro Influencers –... [...]

GA4 and AI: Shaping the Future of Optimization [Podcast]

GA4 (Google Analytics 4) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) are intertwined in the realm of digital marketing analytics, offering powerful insights and automation capabilities. GA4 leverages AI technologies to provide deeper understanding and predictive analytics for user behavior across various digital platforms. Through machine learning algorithms, GA4 can analyze vast datasets and identify patterns to help marketers make informed decisions about their campaigns and strategies. Digital Marketing Institute has published the latest ‘AI with DMI’ podcast episode ‘GA4 and AI: Shaping... [...]

Master GA4: Transforming Data into Actionable Insights, March 13 [Webinar]

Digital Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘Master GA4: Transforming Data into Actionable Insights’ on Wednesday, March 13, 2024. The DMI team says, “Join us for an insightful two-part live webinar series with SEO and data expert, Chris Coomer of Neil Patel Accel. Chris will walk us through the GA4 interface, showing you tips and tricks that will help you track and analyze your user data, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to drive your business growth. In this live series you will learn how to maximize the creation of custom reports to segment and... [...]

Everything You Need To Know About 2024 Google & Yahoo Email Changes

Google and Yahoo announced new email changes in October 2023. These changes are expected to start on February 1, 2024. The changes are designed to improve the email experience and keep users safe. Digital Marketing Institute contributor Emma Prunty has published an article featuring information about the 2024 Google & Yahoo Email Changes. She says, “In this blog, we’ll explore the new regulations from Google and Yahoo, and look at ways you can adhere to them and clean up your email lists. Let’s get started. 1) Unsubscribe and opt-out links While many companies make it easy for consumers... [...]

Privacy Sandbox: Google’s Feast or Fair Targeting Play? [Video]

Content Marketing Institute has published a new video ‘Privacy Sandbox: Google’s Feast or Fair Targeting Play?’. The CMI team says, “A new report from the IAB says Google’s Privacy Sandbox plans for replacing third-party cookie tracking are half-baked. Meanwhile, the U.K. Competition and Markets Authority is hinting that the Sandbox was architected to give Google an unfair advantage. No matter where the cookie chips might fall, Robert Rose urges brands to start building their first-party data approach.” Content Marketing Institute  [...]

SEOs: Do this to make Google’s algorithm love you [Video]

Ahrefs has published a new video ‘SEOs: Do this to make Google’s algorithm love you’. In this video, you’ll learn how to make the Google algorithm love your website. Ahrefs  [...]

Google’s Gemini: Everything You Need To Know In 29 Minutes [Podcast]

HubSpot has published the latest ‘Marketing Against The Grain’ podcast episode ‘Google’s Gemini: Everything You Need To Know In 29 Minutes’. The HubSpot team says, “Google Launches Gemini! Kieran and Kipp discuss the impact of Google’s Gemini AI on the future of search. They highlight three core aspects that stood out to them: a better search experience, the ability to build bespoke web experiences, and the potential for multimodal search. They explore how Gemini will change how we search, transform the search user experience, and redefine the role of the searcher.... [...]

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