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VOIP Companies Launch a New Initiative Under VON
Voice on the Net Coalition formed by Voice Over Internet Protocol Companies have launched a new initiative to advance regulatory policies. [Read more] [Read more]
Google Launches Inside Google Desktop
Google has launched Inside Google Desktop, a blog to share information related to Google Desktop. Google Desktop 2 is out of beta and has new sidebar panels and more plug-ins. [Read more] [Read more]
Yahoo Launches Yahoo! Autos Custom
Yahoo has launched a beta version of Yahoo! Autos Custom. The site offers tools and services for finding information on cars. [Read more] [Read more]
Microsoft to Launch Free Windows Live
Microsoft will launch an ad supported free service, Windows Live. This web-based software will have pay-per-click ads similar to Google. [Read more] [Read more]
Google Launches New Keyword Tool for AdWords
Google has launched a new keyword tool for advertisers to improve the click through rate. The tool generates a list of keywords based on “popular queries”. [Read more] [Read more]
IBM Announces a Free Plug-in for Google Enterprise
IBM has announced a free downloadable plug-in to integrate its search technology with Google Enterprise. The integrated search solution will be useful to retrieve data from the intranet, internet and desktop. [Read more] [Read more]
Programmers Release 2.0
Sun Microsystems, Red Hat, Novell, Intel, Propylon and independent developers have announced the release of OpenOffice 2.0. Google is going to hire programmers to help improve the free software. [Read more] [Read more]
Google Appoints Elliot Schrage as Vice President
Google has appointed Elliot Schrage as the company vice president, Global Communications and Public Affairs. Schrage will manage relations between the company and various stakeholders around the world. [Read more] [Read more]
ASC Offers Guidelines for Spyware Recognition
The Anti-Spyware Coalition has offered a draft version of guidelines for protection against spyware programs. This includes recognition and removal of spyware. [Read more] [Read more]
e-consultancy Announces Online Marketing Masterclasses
e-consultancy has announced a one-day event, Online Marketing Masterclasses, to be held on 16th November in London. The event is taking place at the Royal Institute of British Architects. [Read more] [Read more]
Google TV Ads and Google Core Belief
Google is working to resolve the conflict between Google core belief that people should see ads that they want to see and TV ads which are for general mass communication. [Read more] [Read more]
Scanning of Library Books for Google Print to Resume
Google had given time for publishers to tell Google which books they would not like to be part of Google Print by First November. Google will resume scanning of library books from Tuesday. [Read more] [Read more]