Latest News
Nortel To Acquire Tasman Networks
Nortel is going to acquire Tasman Networks for $99.5 million. Nortel hopes that the acquisition will help provide networks which support real-time applications including voice, video and multimedia applications. [Read more] [Read more]
Yahoo and CBS to team up for Comedy Bowl
Yahoo and CBS are going to team up for “Comedy Bowl”. Yahoo will streamline CBS’s Monday comedy shows “Two and a Half Men” and “How I Met Your Mother” on Yahoo TV for a week. [Read more] [Read more]
Nabload.U Steals Online Banking Passwords
A new Trojan called Nabload.U is stealing online banking passwords of Spanish speaking users. The Trojan distributes itself through Messenger. [Read more] [Read more]
Tencent Launches QQ Search
Tencent has launched a new Chinese search engine called QQ Search. QQ Search provides web, image, file and news search. [Read more] [Read more]
RFE Launches ESE
Resources for Economists on the Internet has launched an Economics Search Engine. ESE indexes pages from economics sites on the internet. [Read more] [Read more]
AskJeeves Announces Top Searches in 2005
AskJeeves has announced Top Searches in 2005. President Bush, Usher and Lindsay Lohan are the top queries in the news, celebrity and photo categories respectively. [Read more] [Read more]
Dentsu Announces Tie-Up with OPT in Internet Marketing
Dentsu has announced business alliance and capital tie-Up with OPT in Internet Marketing Field. Dentsu will subscribe to OPT’s new shares and stocks. [Read more] [Read more]
FireFox Announces Ad Contest: Prize $5000 Gift Certificate
FireFox has announed an ad contest and the winner will get a $5,000 gift certificate. The Winner can purchase photo, audio, video equipment and accessories from B&H. [Read more] [Read more]
Google Filing with SEC: Sell AOL 5% Stake in July 2008
Google’s filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission has given it the right to sell its 5 percent stake in Time Warner’s AOL Internet unit in July 2008. [Read more] [Read more]
Responsys Leads as Email Marketing Service Provider
Forrester Research has ranked Responsys Email Marketing Service Provider as a leader in December 2005. Jupiter Research ranked Responsys as number one service provider in October. [Read more] [Read more]
Holiday Online Shopping Reaches $25 Billion
The holiday online shopping has reached $25 billion. Nielsen/NetRatings study has shown that the majority of online shoppers finished their holiday shopping by December 16th. [Read more] [Read more]
Wink Technologies Launches New Search Engine
Wink Technologies has launched a new search engine, Wink. Wink tags search results from, Digg, Furl, Slashdot and Yahoo MyWeb and indexes the results. [Read more] [Read more]