Content Marketing Institute contributor Tom Treanor has published an article highlighting 14 ways to get more opt-ins from your content.

He says, “Here are 14 types of opt-ins you can use to grow your mailing list.

General opt-in

First, let’s look at the type of opt-ins you can use on your main website.

1. Squeeze page

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Your squeeze page is a landing page with one goal – to encourage visitors to subscribe to your email list. The best way to ensure conversions from your squeeze page is to focus on something that visitors would receive once they subscribe.

For example, if you offer free reports, e-books, guides, tools, or other lead magnets, you should create a squeeze page for each one. While promoting the lead magnet in social media updates and bios, guest author bios, paid ads, and other marketing channels, link to this squeeze page”.

14 Ways to Get More Opt-Ins From Your Content

Content Marketing Institute

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