Content Marketing Institute contributor Olga Rabo has shared seven useful strategies to help you grow your followers using Instagram Stories.

She says, “Consider these seven fresh ideas to spice up your Stories and use them in a way your competitors haven’t yet conceived.

1. Use Highlights to drive traffic (even if you have less than 10,000 followers)

When new users land on your Instagram profile, they may not yet know who you are. You’ve probably heard a million times before how important it is to have a great Insta bio that catches the eye, quickly explains what your business does, and convinces new visitors to click that follow button.

With the Highlights feature, the bio section is a place not only where you tell the brand story but a place to convert visitors.

Think of Highlights as a short promo trailer for your business, and it becomes a perfect opportunity to show what your brand is all about, give a sense of what your product offers, and generate direct traffic to your sales landing page“.

How to Use Instagram Stories to Get More Followers

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