Ann Rusnak, ‘The Time Diva’ has announced a three-week teleseminar program on the topic “Work Less Hours… Make More Money”. The program is ideal for the self employed, coaches, professionals and solo-preneurs who want to put balance in their life… while growing their business with less stress and working few hours”, says Rusnak. The dates of the teleseminar are Mondays, Oct 30, November 6 and 13.

Ann Rusnak, ‘The Time Diva’ has announced a three-week teleseminar program on the topic “Work Less Hours… Make More Money”.

The program is ideal for the self employed, coaches, professionals and solo-preneurs who want to put balance in their life… while growing their business with less stress and working few hours”, says Rusnak.

Registration Page

The sign up page title:

Attention Time Challenged… Busy Solo-preneurs and Self Employed Business Owners!

“Are you tired of spinning your wheels… putting in a lot of hours… working your butt off and at the end of the day don’t have much to show?”

What is the three-week program about?

Rusnak says, “This three week program while take you outside the realms of “traditional time management” and shares the secrets of “Thinking Outside the Clock”… by flipping time upside down you truly can work less hours to accomplishing more”.

“This Monday October 30 November 6 and 13, you’re invited to join this exciting 3 consecutive Monday TeleSeminar on how to eliminate time management and accomplish more… increase your profits while working fewer hour.

Are you ready to learn how you can really take time off to do the things you enjoy… without coming back to piles of work and still grow your business?

Finally here’s your chance to “really” learn how to get total control over your days and set them up for greater focus, greater productivity and greater income opportunities.

You’ll get step-by-step secrets to unleashing all the time you need while keeping your business from taking over your personal life… a blueprint you can use over and over again every month.

This event is appropriately titled

“Working Less Hours… Making More Money”

This is not your typical TeleSeminar… We won’t leave you stranded after the event is over…This event goes beyond the 3 consecutive Mondays by giving you 3 additional weeks of support after it’s over. You can any ask questions that arise after you start implementing these breakthrough time strategies”.

[email with the subject: can you join us this Monday?]

Teleseminar Focus

Rusnak says, “At the end of this three-week program, you will:

– Know the #1 secret to having more by doing less

– Identify your high profit actions

– Eliminate the time draining “to do” list

– Make your goals happen with a busy schedule

– Take off guilt-free down days without coming back to a piles of work

– Schedule your month for total success, productivity and income growth

– Find a balance between business and family

– Get focused, prioritize projects and get them finished

– Know the most important thing you can do at any given time

– Know the best way to allocate time between several projects

– Discover the most effective way to eliminate time stealing interruptions

– Create a 30 Day blueprint you can use over and over again

– Time just for yourself


If you miss a call or want to listen to it again…

…you get the Audio recordings of each session to download along with Success guide books, tools and success sheets for each session. You can even post questions proir to the call and get them answered.

You receive 3 weeks of ongoing online support in the Focus 20 Success Club after the program ends… where you can ask questions anytime on any challenge, situation, receive additional clarification on strategies etc”.

Teleseminar Details

Key Persons: Ann Rusnak

Topic: Work Less Hours… Make More Money

Day/Dates: Mondays – Oct 30, November 6 and 13

Time: 8.00 pm EST – Time Zone Converter

Register for call details.

Fee: $97

Resources: Audio Recordings, Guide Books, Tools, Success Sheets, and Three Weeks Ongoing Online Support in Focus 20 Success Club.

Guarantee: 100% money-back

Rusnak says, “ask me for a complete refund before the last class in your session. I’ll honor request immediately”.

Post Related Link

‘Work Less Hours… Make More Money’ Teleseminar Registration Page





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