AI-Powered Data represents the fusion of artificial intelligence and information analytics, revolutionizing how organizations interpret and utilize vast amounts of data. Through advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, AI sifts through data with unprecedented speed and accuracy, uncovering valuable insights and patterns that were previously hidden.

This synergy empowers businesses to make informed decisions, optimize processes, and drive innovation, ultimately enhancing competitiveness and driving growth in today’s data-driven world.

Adweek is hosting a webinar ‘How AI-Powered Data is Transforming the Future of Marketing’ on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 1.00 pm ET.

The Adweek team says, “Discover how to leverage AI to transform the future of your marketing efforts with Ericka Podesta McCoy, CMO of Resonate. You’ll find out:

  • How leveraging the right data can enrich your understanding of your customers
  • Why it’s essential to build a strong, AI-powered marketing foundation now
  • Strategies to stay ahead in a fast-paced landscape”.

How AI-Powered Data is Transforming the Future of Marketing


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