A well-designed Contact Us page serves as a crucial bridge between customers and businesses, fostering trust and accessibility. It provides a seamless avenue for inquiries, feedback, and support, enhancing overall user experience and strengthening customer relationships.

Search Engine Journal contributor Shelley Walsh has published an article featuring 44 designs of contact us pages.

She says, “A Contact Us page should be easy to find on a website. Nothing’s more frustrating for a user to have to hunt down ways to contact a company, leaving them overwhelmed by the time they finally find it.

44 Inspiring Contact Us Page Examples

1. Search Engine Journal

We couldn’t help but start this list by raving about our own Contact Us page. We begin with an engaging heading, “Have questions? Shoot us an Email.”

2. Impact

Impact’s Contact Us page is easy to navigate for users, directing them to support for any account-related issues or to visit the Help Center to get quick answers.”

Contact Us Page Examples: 44 Designs For Inspiration

Search Engine Journal

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