The MAVAS Special Launch offer is closing in a few hours (think 11:59 PM).

If you have been considering it but procrastinating (we were, too, but we got our bundle license yesterday), it’s time to move on it, click here to grab your license: MAVAS.

Big marketers are using it, and sine have given testimonials that the absolutely love what it can do. See their testimonials on the sales page.

Once the launch ends, you will be paying $97 to get this license. And then $47 per month to maintain it.

This is your last opportunity to get MAVAS at a one-time price.

It automates your marketing activities and reduces running your business in any niche to just 2 steps:

Step 1: Embed it On Any Website/Landing Page with a single line of code. Choose from a range of specialized tasks or customize your own tasks, tailored to your business needs.

Step 2: Tell it to quickly carry out any of 100+ marketing & business operation tasks. Simply instruct it using simple Siri-like voice commands or chat. Then watch it get to work.

Here’s a glimpse of what MAVAS can do for you:

[+] Use it to quickly carry out 100s of marketing & business operation tasks
[+] Embed it on any website or Page with Just one line of code
[+] Let it bring in potential customers, so you can focus on what you do best—running your business
[+] In just 1-click create new tasks and/or delete existing tasks to be done by it
[+] Keep your chats private, with full encryption
[+] Beginner Friendly: No Tech or any AI skills or experience required
[+] Direct it to complete any new task that’s NOT predefined
[+] 150,000+ Niche Specific Prompts make sure you never stress about what to say
[+] Access in Different Languages & connect with clients from all over the world in their language
[+] Siri/Alexa Like Conversation: MAVAS keeps it simple & easy, just like chatting with a virtual assistant.
[+] Built-In Smart Learning: it gets smarter with every chat, delivering expert-level responses
[+] Authentic Conversations, Every Time: Enjoy dynamic, lifelike interactions. No rehearsed answers. MAVAS keeps it fresh, like a real conversation
[+] FREE Commercial License: Use it for clients to create an extra income stream

But remember, this is your last chance. Get it now: MAVAS.

Or if you want the most automation, get the bundle with all the upgrades, here: MAVAS Bundle.

By the way, one thing you should not overlook when thinking about whether to invest in this new tool: You can unlock new revenue streams with MAVAS by selling services or embedding it for clients.

Here are some examples:

1. Sell MAVAS Services:

Since MAVAS lets you quickly carry out 100+ marketing and business operation tasks, from lead generation to customer support, you may offer these services to your clients and charge good fees for the value you provide.

✅ Access Predefined Tasks or Create Custom Ones
✅ Serve Multiple Clients Simultaneously
✅ Position Yourself as an AI Expert

2. Embed MAVAS for Clients:

MAVAS is designed to provide ease of use and to benefit businesses across various industries. You can embed MAVAS on your clients’ websites or pages with just one line of code. By doing so, you’ll be enhancing their website’s functionality and providing super-smart support to their visitors.

✅ Offer Advanced Website Functionality
✅ Improve Customer Interaction
✅ Enhance Client Websites’ User Experience
✅ Create Ongoing Revenue Streams by charging monthly fees for using your MAVAS tools

3. Create and Manage Tasks:

In just one click, you can create new tasks for MAVAS or delete existing ones. This level of flexibility allows you to adapt MAVAS to meet your clients’ specific needs, ensuring that it aligns perfectly with their business goals.

✅ Customize MAVAS’s Functions
✅ Tailor Services to Client Requirements

4. Offer Fully Encrypted AI Chats:

MAVAS ensures 100% chat/talk privacy, making it a secure and trustworthy solution for your clients. They can rest easy, knowing that their conversations are confidential and protected.

✅ Maintain Client Privacy
✅ Offer Secure Communication Channels

5. International Reach:

Access MAVAS in different languages, allowing you to connect with clients from around the world in their preferred language. This international appeal opens up a world of possibilities for your business.

✅ Expand Your Client Base
✅ Attract Global Clients

6. Siri/Alexa-Like Conversations:

MAVAS keeps it simple and easy, just like chatting with a virtual assistant. Your clients will appreciate the effortless and natural interactions they can have with this powerful tool.

✅ Enhance User Experience
✅ Improve Customer Satisfaction

7. Built-In Smart Learning:

As MAVAS interacts with your clients, it gets smarter with every chat, delivering expert-level responses. This continuous learning ensures that your clients receive top-notch support.

✅ Provide Exceptional Services
✅ Boost Client Satisfaction

8. Commercial License:

When you invest in MAVAS, you’ll receive a commercial license at no extra charge, allowing you to use MAVAS for your clients and create an extra income stream. It’s a win-win for both you and your clients.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to boost your business and offer innovative solutions to your clients at the lowest possible investment. Before midnight, go here to get the basic version (and then any upgrades you need): MAVAS.


Go here to get the full suite of upgrades at a greatly discounted investment: MAVAS Bundle.

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