YouTube is at the core of video marketing. It powers the Internet’s video engine. With YouTube, video marketing has become one of the most lucrative options.

Social Media Examiner contributor Michael Stelzner has published an article highlighting the biggest YouTube mistakes marketers make and how to overcome them.

He says, “In this article, you’ll learn common mistakes marketers make and what to do instead. You’ll also discover some overlooked metrics that can help you grow faster.

The most common mistake that marketers make on YouTube is underestimating the size of the opportunity. But we also see people missing out when they fail to focus on organic content, obsess over the wrong metrics, or take a short-term view of the platform.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to avoid those errors and turn your YouTube channel into a powerhouse of growth.

The Three Ws of Creating Content on YouTube

Whether you’re just setting up a new channel or you’ve been vlogging for years, every piece of organic content you create should answer the three Ws.

  1. What is the content about?
  2. Who is the audience?
  3. Why should they watch your content?”

The Biggest YouTube Mistakes Marketers Make (and How to Overcome Them)

Social Media Examiner

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