Google AdSense still presents a good earning opportunity for the publishers. By selecting the right ad formats, you can create an income source.

Search Engine Watch contributor Jacob M. has published a six-step Google AdSense Guide to help publishers increase earnings and escape low CPC.

He says, “Your aim and objective throughout should be to gradually increase your AdSense CPC and CTR little by little and by following these simple tips you are bound to see results.

Don’t forget to keep on testing and your AdSense earnings will surely increase over time. Just don’t give up quickly!

1. Content is king on the internet and also on AdSense

The reason content is placed at the top of all the other tips is because it is the single most important rule to follow on your journey through SEO and internet marketing. It is the first thing your visitors, advertisers, and bots (ad bots and crawl bots) will notice after coming to your webpage.

If you are providing your users with low quality or outdated content, Google will rate your website much lower and your CPC (the bids advertisers make to appear on your website) will greatly fall. This can also get you smart-priced, even if you generate quality traffic on low-quality content.”

Google AdSense Guide: increase earnings and escape low CPC

Search Engine Watch

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