By optimizing your content for various online platforms, you can continue to achieve the best results from your content marketing effort.

Search Engine Journal contributor Lily Ray has published a guide ‘Optimizing for Google News, Top Stories, and Discover’.

She says, “Optimizing sites to appear in Google News, Top Stories, and Google Discover is unique in many ways from the process of earning rankings in the 10 blue organic links.

This is because Google uses a variety of different organic SERP features to display recent or newsworthy content, each of which comes with its own set of ranking guidelines and reporting capabilities.

To make this even more complex, Google only provides dedicated reporting on some – but not all – of these News-related features through Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

This leaves some mystery about precisely where in the search results a given article might be driving traffic and impressions.”

Optimizing for Google News, Top Stories, and Discover

Search Engine Journal

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