A well-planned content creation strategy can accelerate the growth of your business. Quality content helps you create a lasting impression on the minds of your prospects and turn them into customers.

Content Marketing Institute contributor Kim Moutsos has shared six useful content calendar strategies.

She says, “This post is not for those who choose to hold out for a flash of creative inspiration. It’s for anyone ready to do the dirty work of finding hidden content opportunities to shape and polish into something brilliant.

1. Frack this (aka repurpose it)

I know of a content team that plans a “big rock” content piece each quarter. Then they create a “frack map” to document all the ways that big rock can be “fracked” – that is, broken up and reassembled into new content pieces. (Think of fracking in the oil-and-gas-industry sense, not the Battlestar Galactica expletive.)

Fracking is standard practice at CMI (though we’re more likely to call it repurposing).

We fracked the writing tips and exercises in this e-book from a series of blog posts by CMI editorial consultant Ann Gynn and other contributors”.

6 Content Calendar Strategies That Work Better Than Waiting for Inspiration

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