BrightEdge has published a guide called ‘Understanding XML Sitemaps’.

Dan Niska says, “Arguably one of the more straightforward technical elements of SEO, XML sitemaps are often typically misunderstood. To get a better understanding of XML sitemaps and how to use them efficiently, it helps to know what they are and what they are not.

What are XML sitemaps?

In its simplest form, a sitemap serves as a road map for search engines to discover your website’s most important content and get further context on your website’s overall structure. In addition to providing search engines with a list of URLs, sitemaps can help search engines find newer content, or content located deep within the website’s architecture, which helps websites with a poor internal linking structure.

Common myths about XML sitemaps:

  1. A sitemap is not a list of the pages on your site. There’s no need to include every page in the sitemap. Most websites have sensitive content, like investor information, or content that does not provide a great user experience through search”.

Understanding XML Sitemaps

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