Your website or blog content plays the most important role in achieving higher SEO rankings. You need fresh content that matches with the search engine algorithm.

Orbit Media’s Andy Crestodina has shared some useful tips on updating your content for better SEO.

Crestodina says, “The bloggers that update past content are roughly 20% more likely to report “strong results” from content marketing. It’s a powerful strategy for any content marketing program.

Why is it so effective to update old articles?

There are at least five reasons to update an old post then write something new:

  1. The topic has been vetted because you have data from the first version
  2. It’s faster to make because some of the research is already done
  3. It’s higher quality because the updated article goes deeper into the topics
  4. It’s easier to promote in social media because you’ll know just who to share it with
  5. It may rank higher in search because the URL may already have backlinks and authority”.

Updating Content for SEO: How to Teach Your Old Blog New Tricks

Orbit Media Studios

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