Google Analytics platform makes it possible to track your website performance so that you can make necessary changes to achieve better results.

Orbit Media Studios’ Andy Crestodina has shared a four-step process to track your video views in Google Analytics using the Google Tag Manager.

Crestodina says, “Do you have videos on your website?

If so, this post is for you.

They click it and Google Analytics tracks it. That’s how it works, right? It tracks the visitor’s actions and reports it back to you, right? Not exactly.

Lots of clicks aren’t tracked in Analytics by default. That’s because some clicks don’t bring the visitor to a new page. And pageviews are mainly what Google Analytics is tracking …unless you do a bit of extra setup.

Video plays are #7 on our list of interactions that aren’t recorded in Analytics without event tracking”.

How to Track Video Views in Google Analytics Using Google Tag Manager in 4 Steps

Orbit Media Studios

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