Your content marketing performance depends on how people treat it – whether they like it or discard it. It is a challenging task to create the content that makes people read / refer to it and give your links.

The MOZ contributor Alexandra Tachalova has shared an article on improving the linkability of your content.

Tachalova says, “If you’re creating quality content with zero focus on links, you won’t be getting optimal traffic. The only chance to make your content stand out is to focus on its potential linkability even before you actually start writing it. Here are some of favorite ways to get your content seen. 

1. Adding expert quotes

Quoting an expert is one of my favorite ways to boost content linkability and shareability. It’s quick, easy, and doesn’t require a significant time investment. When you write out of your expertise area, adding a quote of a thought-leader grants your content more credibility and value, not to mention boosting its linking potential. Depending on how influential your company is, you can either select an existing quote or reach out to the experts and ask for a new one”.

How to Boost Content Linkability Without Wasting Your Marketing Budget


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