Getting more prospects and converting them into customers requires the irresistible offers combined with quality product and service. Also you need to understand the customer psychology to do this.

Entrepreneur contributor Robert W. Bly has shared a five-step plan to help you turn more prospects into customers.

Bly says, “There have been numerous formulas for writing persuasive copy throughout the years. The most famous is probably AIDA, which stands for attentioninterestdesire, and action. In copywriting seminars, I’ve taught a variation on AIDA known as the motivating sequence.

The following explores the five steps of the motivating sequence:

Step 1: Get attention

Before your promotion can do anything else, it has to get your prospect’s attention. It must get the prospect to stop, open the envelope, and start reading the materials inside instead of tossing it in the trash. You already know many methods of getting attention and see dozens of them in action every day. In TV and magazine advertising, sex is often used to gain attention for products ranging from soft drinks and cars to diet and exercise programs.

Other options: Make a bold statement, cite a startling statistic, ask a curiosity-arousing question, put a bulky object in the envelope, apply a glossy coating to the envelope and letter, use a pop-up graphic — you get the idea”.

The 5-Step Plan for Turning Prospects Into Customers


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